Road of Chinese Freelancers
Road of Chinese Freelancers (, a 7-day online round table meeting on Zhihu started from last Wednesday, has already got 26840 followers and 5834566 page views when I started writing this blog, and the numbers keep increasing.

6M views, 26K Followers
As one of the panelists, I was invited to share my insights for the freelance business and advice for Chinese cross border freelancers.
I answered 16 questions, covering opportutinies, skills, experiences, work and life balance suggestions for Chinese freelancers, including my own stories to be a China market entry consultant, several cheetsheets and some tips.
my Zhihu profile:
Within only 5 days, I got 856 upvotes, 504 thanks and 3148 bookmarks.
3 of my answers were recommended by Zhihu editors and 3 other answers were published in top threads at Zhihu Daily, a successful app that tens of millions of users open the first in their mobile phone every morning.
Ms. Liu, Zhihu editor, sent me a private message earlier today, inviting me to open a Zhihu column to write on Freelance Business.
This seems interesting.
Popular Cheatsheets, Stories and Questions
We can tell from the number of thanks and bookmarks that people love those cheatsheets.
People are also interested in my real business stories and those in other answers.
I shared some of my interesting services like Get A Chinese Name and there are even some inquiries from Chinese potential clients asking for getting English names for them.
Some people are interested how customers find me to do Market Entry Consulting.
Some freelancers are lack of experience in delivering professional Chinese Website Localization service to their clients.
There are more freelancer translators sending private messages asking for 1 on 1 guide to get more Chinese translaton business, inspired by the Chinese translation store.
Major Content
The following are part of the content that I covered in this event.
- New opportunities for Chinese cross border freelancers
- Your chance in the emerging freelance business
- Benefits to hire freelancers
- Why there are not many active crossborder Chinese freelancers?
- What is the situation of Chinese cross boder freelancers
- What are the core skills to be a successful cross border freelancer?
- How to tell you are potential to be a successful freelancer?
- How to Choose? Bidding on marketplaces vs Building your own website
Experience and Cheat sheets
- 18 ways to get projects for your new freelance business.
- 8 Things to prepare for your freelance business before quitting your job.
- Chao's list to prepare for your freelance business.
- How to expand your freelance business across borders?
- How to be TOP 1% on freelancers' marketplace?
- How to be a successful freelance translator?
- How to design and sell your service?
- How to start your freelance business?
- How to build your personal brand?
Life and Work Balance
- A tipical day for a Chinese cross-border freelancer.
- What's th experience to be a cross-border marketing consultant?
- How to balance your freelance business and your personal life?
- Work from home or work outside, which is better for freelancers?
- Three types of people to do part-time jobs
- What is the real life of Chinese freelance translators?
What are your favorites topics?
What is Zhihu
Zhihu is no doubt the top Q&A site in China and it is among one of China’s top social media platforms. The site is a little bit more based on the community rather than the questions only.
Zhihu's mission is to let everyone share knowledge, experiences, opinion with the world. As a results, there are many valuable answers that deserve to be read.
Zhihu is well connected to other popular Chinese apps like Wechat, Evernote, QQ, Weibo, etc.
Most people in China do not know what Quora is.
Know More People
Although the meeting is not finished yet.
It is nice to be needed and connected.
I came to know more interesting people and read many insights from smart guys.
If you want to plan your social media marketing strategy. Let's Chat! and do some smart content marketing!